Scholar Athletes



Shaun Brilliant, Jr., Bonny Eagle High School

Connor Caverly, Marshwood High School

Ryan T. Connors, Kennebunk High School

Julien H. Bailey Cottle, Thornton Academy

Connor T. Crawford, Ellsworth High School

Brady M. Douglas, Falmouth High School

Chase P. Graves, Bonny Eagle High School

Keenan Jones, South Portland High School

Anthony Mariello, Biddeford High School

Nathan P. Mars, Scarborough High School

Isaac Plourde, Lawrence High School

Colby Pomeroy, Winslow High School

Cole J. Paulin, Thornton Academy

Michael Roy, Lawrence High School

Wellington Pereira, Bridgeton Academy (Prep)

Spencer Baron, Maine Maritime Academy (College)


Luke D. Arsenault, Kents Hill School

Jackson R. Bernatchez, Massalonskee High School

William D. Bessey, Brunswick High School

Travon L. Bradford, Kennebunk High School

Drew W. Chamberlain, Falmouth High School

Zachary Doyon, Marshwood High School

Kenneth G. Drelich, Cheverus High School

Erik M. Hogan, Old Orchard Beach High School

John J. Hughes, Scarborough High School

Otto H. Keisker, Noble High School

Chase Malloy, Madison Memorial High School

Austin B. McCrum, Thornton Academy

Isaac Patry, Thornton Academy

Tyler M. Ripley, Mount View High School

Carlton F. Robie, Kennebunk High School

Riley Robinson, Dirigo High School

Dalton R. Therrien, Oak Hill High School

Walker Thomas, Lawrence High School

Nicholas E. Trice, Marshwood High School

Jacob Trask, Winslow High School


Robert H. Begin, Thornton Academy

Ryan Brewer, Lisbon High School

Michael Ryan Casale, Cheverus High School

Gregory C. Duff, Bangor High School

Donald A. Goodrich, Cheverus High School

Nicholas LeBond, Biddeford High School

Andrew Lachance, Maranacook High School

Andrew J. Martel, Bonny Eagle High School

Donald J. Martin, Jr., Hermon High School

Kurt M. Massey, John Bapst Memorial High School

Connor R. McCrum, Thornton Academy

Riley Murphy, Bonny Eagle High School

James P. Purdy, Freeport High School

Dillon J, Russo, Scarborough High School

Alexander Shain, Sanford High School

Anthony Sementelli, Lawrence High School

Tyler A. Sturtevant, Poland Regional High School

Jarrod Casey, Bridgton Academy

John Gilboy, Colby College


Patrick J, Curran, Portland High School

Joseph D. Davis, Bonny Eagle High School

Jeshua J. Dearborn, Lawrence High School

Lonnie M. Hackett, Bangor High School

Duston Hodgkins, Wells High School

Stephen D. Homa, Cape Elizabeth High School

Samual Lalezari, Thornton Academy

Dylan Meklin, Rockland District High School

Charles M. Place, Cheverus High School

Jackson Taylor, Windham High School

Jordan J. Taylor, Skowhegan Area High School

Kasee Wilson, Dexter Regional High School

Devin J. Withee, Skowhegan Area High School

Alexander Young, Rockland District High School

Stephen M. Goniprow, Bridgton Academy

Brian M. Leighton, Colby College

Devin F. Walsh, Bowdoin College


Daniel C. Avery, Bonny Eagle High School

Tyler J. Benjamin, Belfast Area High School

Garrick A. Brown, Madison Area High School

Aaron P. Champagne, Lawrence High School

Benjamin L. Delcourt, Livermore Falls High School

Nicholas A. Ford, Falmouth High School

Michael A. Hersom, Lawrence High School

Thomas L. Hersom, Lawrence High School

Joshua Leger, Lewiston High School

Chistopher G. LeRoy, Deering High School

Michael A. Marsh, Rockland District High School

Mark O'Shea, Livermore Falls High School

Nichoals A. Oullette, Mesalonskee High School

John J. Ringer, Waterville High School

Stephen W. Shorey, Kennebunk High School

John J. Smith, Sanford High School

Christopher J. Treister, Portland High School

Jared G. Turcotte, Lewiston High School

Charles E. Bachelder, Bridgton Academy

James R. Walker, Bates College


Peter T. Adams, Jr., Bonny Eagle High School

Steven C. Belanger, Massabesic High School

Thomas Daley, Lake Region High School

Kyle Davis, Leavitt Area High School

Trevor N. Davis, Rockland District High School

Kevin J. Decker, Massabesic High School

Jonathan J. Godbout, Biddeford High School

Scott L. Guillerault, South Portland High School

Trevor J. Legrange, Bangor High School

Sean W. Leary, Lawrence High School

James Oberg, Lake Region High School

David J. Philbrook, Portland High School

Jason Porter, Bonny Eagle High School

Andrew F. Schober, Cheverus High School

Colin S.A. Talbot, Portland High School

Nicholas J. Welch, Cape Elizabeth High School

Michael P. Whitticon, Bridgton Academy

Jeremy P. Jamieson, Colby College

Michael J. Lopez, Bates College


Patrick T. Davis, Thornton Academy

Caleb M. George, Bonny Eagle High School

Keenan M. Goslin, Old Town High School

Noah Hoffman, Mt. Ararat High School

Joshua B. Johnson, Bangor High School

Brian H. Lapham, Sanford High School

Ryan T. Libby, Skowhegan High School

Benjamin J. Morley, Belfast Area High School

Matthew Orlando, South Portland High School

Quinton G. Porter, Portland High School

Daniel W. Steller, Bonny Eagle High School

Drew R. Johnson, Colby College


Joshua D. Cook, Lewiston High School

James R. Gagnon, Biddeford High School

Robert Ganley, South Portland High School

Matthew J. Glazier, Mountain Valley High School

Mathew R. Lyle, Massabesic High School

Jason D. McDonald, Jay High School

Jared C. McLaughlin, South Portland High School

Thomas E. Nadeau, Skowhegan High School

Dylan K. Oakley, Mt. Blue High School

Nathan  S. Sergent, Gardiner High School

Richard J, Suzor, Jr., Kennebunk High School

Brian F, Toole, Hebron Academy

Jonathan K. Barry, Colby College


Travis A. Buck, Lawrence High School

James D. Cannan, Lewiston High School

Patrick E. Colwell, Gardiner High School

Steven A. Contreras, Winthrop High School

Bryan L. Harvey, South Portland High School

Jonathan W. Hitlz, Lawrence High School

Eric S. McAvoy, Stearns High School

Mark A McEwen, Bangor High School

Matthew R. Nevells, Orono High School

Randall L. Petit, Biddeford High School

Gregory P. Sundik, Deering High School

Bret, S. Newbury, Kents Hill School

Graham H. Rose, Bowdoin College


Mark B.E. Chabot, Mt. Blue High School

Michael A. DiMillo, Portland High School

Shane G. Dover, South Portland High School

Jason H. Fuller, Lewiston High School

James E. Hews, South Portland High School

Jon Kakasenko, Gardiner High School

Ryan A. Kalman, Sanford High School

Adam S. Piepkorn, Lewiston High School

Patrick J. Ryan, Morse High School

Matthew J. Shumway, Lisbon High School

Bradley Smith, Oxford Hills High School

Thomas F. Asbury, Bridgton Academy

Paul V. Capriotti, University of Maine


Michael A. Cobosco, Bangor High School

MacKenzie B. Davis, Brunswick High School

Michael A. Fagone, South Portland High School

Michael F. Gendron, Sanford High School

David J, Hesler, Lewiston High School

Trent G. Kamke, Lisbon High School

Kevin Kezal, Livermore Falls High School

Craig A. MacLean, South Portland High School

Richard M. Mynahan, Jr., Lisbon High School

Jason Roce, Bangor High School

Tom Trecartin, Westbrook High School

Jay Carroll, Maine Central Institute

Ryan K. Stafford, Bowdoin College


Gordon Beckwith, Kents Hill School

Anthony B. Bracamonte, Thornton Academy

Tyler W. Bridge, Wells High School

Marcus S. Christopher, Skowhegan High School

Dante G. DeLorenzo, Kennebunk High School

Adam J. Doyon, Marshwood High School

Carter Edgerton, Biddeford High School

John R. Evans, Waterville High School

Logan Fortin, Lawrence High School

Alexander J. Gorham, Dirigo High School

Stephan A. Gray, Leavitt Area High School

Samuel Hebert, Camden Hills High School

Chase G. Lamontagne, Kennebunk High School

Jake C. Lindsay, Marshwood High School

Ethan J. Logan, Thornton Academy

Aiden G. McGlone, Bonny Eagle High School

Nicholas Mills, Cony High School

Zachary J. Reed, Scarborough High School

Ethan T. Richard, Oak Hill High School

Matthew S. Richman, Colby College


Kevin J. Barrett, Thornton Academy

Sean Black, Biddeford High School

Robert J. Chenard, Winslow High School

Michael D. Curtis, Wells High School

Nicholas Dalecki, Marshwood High School

Chase M. Eldredge, Sanford High School

Joseph R. Fitzpatrick, Cheverus High School

Kyle J. Flaherty, Oak Hill High School

Adrian Davis, Gardiner Area High School

John Heath, Gardiner Area High School

Jesse B. Hall, Massabesic High School

Liam P. LaFountain, Cheverus High School

Thomas Lucy, Orono High School

Alexander R. Mace, Oak Hill High School

Noah Nelson, Falmouth High School

Shane B. Normandeau, Kennebunk High School

Julian D. Smedley, Lewiston High School

Matthew Stewart, Bucksport High School

Luke Preit, Bridgton Academy

David S. Kurey, Bates College


Samuel A. Chaves, Massabesic High School

Anthony Ciampi, Bonny Eagle High School

Christian Deschenes, Cheverus High School

Logan Gaddar, South Portland High School

Jordan Hersom, Leavitt Area High School

Luke Libby, Thornton Academy

Thomas "Christopher" Madden, Thornton Academy

Logan Mars, Scarborough High School

Izaak Mills, Mountain Valley High School

Shane O'Connell, Winslow High School

Cameron Olson, Cheverus High Schol

Graham Strondak, Westbrook High School

James Titcomb, Sanford High School

Jeffrey Arnell, Bridgeton Academy

Kevin Helm, Bates College

Ian Vieira, Bowdoin College


Cameron A Bishop, Waterville High School

Eric J. Caron, Messalonskee High School

Jordan Conant, Winthrop High School

Samual B. Dunwoody, Falmouth High School

Camden C. Fernald, Mount Desert Island High School

Joseph K. Gallant, Bonny Eagle High School

John W. Gilboy, Thornton Academy

David S. Ingraham, Windham High School

David McGuire, Rockland District High School

Dayton A. McPherson, Bonny Eagle High School

Sean M. Merz, Oxford Hills Comprehensive High School

Christian A. Plunkett, Kennebunk High School

Mark S. Reaser, Thornton Academy

Joshua R. Ruby, Bonny Eagle High School

David Searle, Rockland District High School

Douglas R. Stockbridge, Jr., Kennebunk High School

Benjamin Violette, Lawrence High School

Kolby Youland, Leavitt Area High School

Ryan Canary, University of Maine

Jason E. Finkelstein, Bowdoin College


James M. Bower, Oxford Hills High School

Jacob P. Cash, Oxford Hills High School

Nathan J. Chantrill, Edward Little High School

James Stephen Arthur Ecker, Brewer High School

Wayne R. Evans, Messalonskee High School

Travis Fergola, Mountain Valley High School

Ryan C. Knight, Massabesic High School

Joeseph A. Martin, Portland High School

Brian Morrison, Thornton Academy

John W. O'Brion, Portland High School

Joshua Pelletier, Foxcroft Academy

Elijah Trefts, Lisbon High School

Mason R. Tripp, Bonny Eagle High School

Patrick E. Walsh, Westbrook High School

Benjamin Weimont, Cape Elizabeth High School

Christopher D. Chandler, Bridgton Academy

David M. Diamond, Bowdoin College


Matthew Capone, Lewiston High School

Mike Curtis, Rockland High School

Nial C. DeMena, Scarborough High School

Jacob Folz, Oxford Hills High School

Nate Hart, Waterville High School

William Hews, Portland High School

Ryan M. Hross, Mesalonskee High School

Bryan Laverriere, Biddeford High School

Robert L. Laverdiere, Lewiston High School

John Lear, Belfast Area High School

Benjamin Ledue, Bonny Eagle High School

Keith Morrison, Windham High School

Jeremiah Richter, Brewer High School

Mathew Whalen, Brewer High School

Justin Hardison, Bowdoin College

Adam Shepard, Bates College


Kevin J. Bougie, Sanford High School

David L. Cekutis, Cheverus High School

Joshua L. Cincotta, Biddeford High School

Scott Derrig, Portland High School

Travis B. Dube, Livermore Falls High School

Paul G. Eisenstein, Edward Little High School

Bryan E. Lambert, Jr., Edward Little High School

B.L. Lippert, Cony High School

Justin M. Roderick, Lawrence High School

Eric G. Roy, Lisbon High School

Christopher J. York, Belfast Area High School

Frost A. Hubbard, Bates College


Jeremy J. Dill, Old Town High School

Kurt S. Ebrahim, Massabesic High School

Jeffery C. Guerette, Bangor High School

Bruce S. Harrington, Lawrence High School

John H. Hutchins IV, Portland High School

Dustin R. Ireland, Mt. Blue High School

Jeffery B. Justin, Cheverus High School

Timothy Lawson, South Portland High School

Joseph C. Littlefield, Belfast Area High School

Michael A. Pare', Orono High School

Lucas D. Piepkorn, Lewiston High School

Charles B. McElligott, Bridgton Academy

Michael L. Volpe, Bowdoin College


Steve K. Bell, Cony High School

Bryan J. Bessette, Lewiston High School

Timothy J. Braun, Lewiston High School

Ryan R. Cloutier, Oak Hill High School

Seth Ferris, Morse High School

David A. Kahill, South Portland High School

Carl Landry, Biddeford High School

Zachary M. Pelleriti, Orono High School

Kevin Z. Thurston, Oxford Hills High School

Neal R. Trottier, Lisbon High School

Norman E. Webb, Orono High School

Thomas D. MacLeod III, Bridgton Academy

Michael P. Turmelle, Bowdoin College


John D. Begos, Lisbon High School

Will Brown, John Bapst High School

Arthur P. Fairbrother, Bucksport High School

Alex J. Godomsky, Mt. Blue High School

Justin Highley, Edward Little High School

Scott Ismail, Orono High School

Kevin Letellier, Biddeford High School

Justin Lombardelli, South Portland High School

Robert Mulholland, Lewiston High School

John St. Onge, Biddeford High School

Scott Sawyer, South Portland High School

John Powers, Bridgeton Academy

Mark A. Katz, Bowdoin College


J. Gregory Burns, Cony High School

Robert Fanjoy, Dexter High School

Scott Fortuna, Wells High School

Gregory P. Gosselin, Livermore Falls High School

Michael R. Kuran, Waterville High School

James LeClair, Gardiner High School

Sean P. Mitchell, Westbrook High School

Kevin L. Nason, Winthrop High School

John Pelleriti, Orono High School

Brian D. Seguin, Lewiston High School

Peter J. Wagner, Morse High School

Matthew Burgess, Bridgton Academy

Stephen M. Schutt, Maine Maratime Academy


Nicholas J. Bartholomew, Thornton Academy

Ethan Belanger, Sanford High School

Robert O. Bradley, Jr., Maine Maritime Academy

Peter A. Cogley, Mountain Valley High School

Joseph Curit, Biddeford High School

Riley R. Dempsey, Wells High School

John T. Fallon, Falmouth High School

Patrick Hopkins, Winslow High School

Michael J. Laverriere, Thornton Academy

Michael J. McCarthy, Kents Hill School

Adam T. Mooney, Oak Hill High School

Ryan Pellerin, Lawrence High School

Mile T. Pelletier, Mount Blue High School

Raffaele Salamone, Deering High School

Matthew G. Strout, Oak Hill High School

Patrick R. Saunders, Kennebunk High School

Bailey E. Sawyer, Westbrook High School

Bryce M. Whittemore, Dirigo High School

Maxwell Woods, Cape Elizabeth High School

Finn M. Zechman, South Portland High School


Benjamin E. Bath, Kennebunk High School

Nicco B. DeLorenzo, Kennebunk High School

Thomas Feenstra, Cape Elizabeth High School

Benjamin M. Greenberg, Scarborough High School

Gregory D. Grinnell, Jr., Cheverus High School

Zachary Guptill, Winslow High School

Andrew S. Libby, Thornton Academy

Cody J. Lynn, Thornton Academy

Lucas C. McCue, Brunswick High School

Brendan D. Moore, Bangor High School

Levi M. Morin, Leavitt Area High School

Cody J. O'Brien, Cheverus High School

Charles J. Raybine III, Scarborough High School

Brian T. Rollins, Bonny Eagle High School

Clay Rowland, Leavitt Area High School

Jedidiah T. Scott, Sanford High School

Joshua O'Neil Thibeault, Brunswick High School

Justin A. Zulowski, Portland High School

Jhalen Bien-Aime, Bridgton Academy

Marcus F. Wasilewski, University of Maine


Jeffrey P. Amell, Bonny Eagle High School

Andrew J. Bennett, Cheverus High School

Kyle F. Bishop, Waterville High School

Collin C. Downs, Canden Hills Regional High School

Ethan R. Drigotas, Kennebunk High School

Cody S. Dussault, Lewiston High School

Matthew R. Farnum, Oxford Hills High School

Nicholas A. Gagne, Biddeford High School

Peter G. Gwilym, Cheverus High School

Dennis. Z. Liu, Scarborough High School

Nathan T. Martel, Bonny Eagle High School

Michael McNamara, Lisbon High School

Lucas Quimby, Lawrence High School

Robert D. Stockbridge, Kennebunk High School

John L. Watterson, Yarmouth High School

Benjamin Wigant, Lewiston High School

Johnathan G. Day, Bridgeton Academy

Richard P. Newton, Colby College


Nicholas G. Bourassa, Jay High School

Shawn Champagne, Lawrence High School

Vincent E, Ciampi, Cheverus High School

Matthew C. Colby, Messalonskee High School

Jeffrey S. Elliot, Massabesic High School

John Hersom, Lawrence High School

Shane A. Keith, Cheverus High School

Tyler A. Morin, Massabesic High School

Evan Nash, Gorham High School

Jeff Newton, Leavitt Area High School

John F. Onesti, Bonny Eagle High School

Jason A. Scott, Thornton Academy

Matthew J. Spearin, Bonny Eagle High School

Andrew C. Weiss, Rockland District High School

James L. Burrell, Bridgton Academy

David J. Philbrook, Bates College


Joshua L. Avery, Bonny Eagle High School

Grandon Baldyga, Wells High School

Bradley Bryant, Livermore Falls High School

Paul E. Curtis, Rockland District High School

Luke S. Fekete, Messalonskee High School

Aaron P. Gallant, Bangor High School

Ramsey R. Lafayette, Hamden Academy

Mohamed A. Nazmy, Orono High School

Kyle J. Oliver, Bangor High School

Timothy D. Ouellette, Lewiston High School

Jeffrey Thompson, Bonny Eagle High School

Justin L. Wells, Jay High School

Thomas J. Daley, Bridgton Academy

Wayne R. Harrington, Jr, Colby College


Benjamin R. Chapman, Bonny Eagle High School

Jeffrey T. Cutler, Messalonskee High School

William J. Dunlap, Skowhegan High School

Michael A. Duperre, Portland High School

Jesse L. Edwards, Oxford Hills High School

Adam Foley, Lawrence High School

Jeffrey J. Fasulo, Scarborough High School

Jared B. Justice, Cheverus High School

Patrick Lyons, South Portland High School

Alex F. Pellerin, Lawrence High School

Stefan J. Scarks, Thornton Academy

Patrick G. Shairs, Bridgton Academy

Jason C. Cummings, Colby College


Rudolph T. DiPietro, Westbrook High School

Anthony J. DiSotto, Jay High School

Ethan Dolleman, Massabesic High School

William D. Fournier, Messalonskee High School

Chad G. Hart, Waterville High School

Brett C. Holmes, Skowhegan High School

Patrick Munzing, Gardiner High School

Robert L. Parisien, Biddeford High School

William H. Thompson, Brunswick High School

Jeffrey G. Tounge II, Portland High School

Matthew York, Maine Central Institute

John "Eric" Lewis, University of Maine


Stephen L. Beauparlant, Lewiston High School

Brian J. Caouette, Portland High School

Timothy J. Ftizpatrick, Jr., Sanford High School

Justin E. Kelleher, Fryeburg Academy

Matthew R. Linkletter, Madison High School

Michael D. Nappi, Deering High School

James E. O'Neill III, South Portland High School

Andrew W. Powers, Marshwood High School

Daniel R. Roediger, South Portland High School

Thomas M. Trenholm, Winthrop High School

Matthew M. Truman, Oxford Hills High School

Kelly P. Masterson, Maine Central Institute

Roswell H. Fichthorn II, University of Maine


John A. Chretian, Livermore Falls High School

Brian D. Doughty, Winthrop High School

Thomas S. Hammond II, Fryeburg Academy

Chad W. Higgins, Oak Hill High School

Neal Jacunski, Morse High School

Seth Jordan, Portland High School

Jay R. Kamke, Lisbon High School

Scott Ogeka, Lawrence High School

Kirk J. Purvis, Thornton Academy

Timothy M. Ryan, Wells High School

Jason E. Spugnardi, Lewiston High School

Robert G. Sinram, Bridgton Academy

Anthony J. Schena, Bowdoin College


Paul C. Bickford, Oxford Hills High School

Brent M. Blckmer, Deering High School

Christopher A. Cobb, Winthrop High School

Jon Chenard, Biddeford High School

Tyson E. Curtis, Lisbon High School

Joel D. Glocker, Cony High School

David P. Helgerson, Morse High School

Eric D. Lachance, Lewiston High School

Thomas B. Messervey, Bangor High School

Patrick L.P. Paquette, Portland High School

Michael J, Soucy, South Portland High School

Michael R. Bruneau, Bridgton Academy

Steven A. Chmielewski, Colby College